Documents marked as submitted are still pending approval by the Provost’s Office and may not be in effect.

Bylaws and Criteria Documents
As of September 29, 2022, The Arizona Board of Regents changed lecturer titles to teaching professor titles. In these documents, where you read "lecturer," for example, substitute "assistant teaching professor."
On This Page:
Personnel Processes
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College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Biodesign | N/A | Research Faculty Evaluation Criteria (Docx) | Research Faculty | Submitted 7/13/2015 |
Biodesign | N/A | Promotional Evaluation Considerations and Criteria - Academic Professionals (Docx) | Fixed-term Academic Professionals | Submitted 11/27/2018 |
Business | N/A | Constitution and Bylaws Docx | N/A | Submitted 6/15/2022 |
Business | N/A | Faculty Evaluation Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty; Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 5/17/2019 |
Business | Accountancy | Faculty Review Procedures | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Business | Accountancy | Appointment, Annual Review, and Promotion Policy for Instructional Faculty (Docx) | Instructional Faculty | Submitted 1/9/2020 |
Business | Agribusiness | Bylaws | Fixed-term and Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 8-2-2023 |
Business | Economics | Apointment, Annual Review, and Promotion Policy for Clinical Faculty (Docx) | Clinical Faculty | Submitted 1/17/2017 |
Business | Economics | Faculty Evaluation Guidelines | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Business | Finance | Appointment, Annual Review and Promotion Policy: Instructors, Faculty Associates, Lecturers, Clinical Faculty and Professors of Practice (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 8/7/2019 |
Business | Finance | Faculty Annual Review Guidelines (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 10/4/2019 |
Business | Finance | Faculty Evaluation Guidelines (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 6/28/2021 |
Business | Information Systems | Faculty Review Procedures (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty; Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 7/27/2023 |
Business | Management and Enterpreneurship | Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (Docx) | Clinical Faculty and Lecturers; Tenure-track faculty | Submitted 1/17/2017 |
Business | Management and Entrepreneurship | Annual Performance Evaluation Guidelines and Post-tenure Review Process (Docx) | N/A | Under review |
Business | Management and Entrepreneurship | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Under review |
Business | Management and Entrepreneurship | Personnel Committee Guidelines (Docx) | N/A | Under review |
Business | Marketing | Guidelines for Appointment, Retention and Promotion of Ranked Instructional Faculty | Clinical Faculty and Lecturers | Approved 7/6/2018 |
Business | Marketing | Promotion and Tenure Guidelines | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Business | Supply Chain Management | Constitution | Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 9/13/2022 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Design and the Arts | N/A | Promotion and Tenure Criteria | Fixed-term Faculty; Tenure-track Faculty | Approved 7/6/2018 |
Design and the Arts | N/A | Bylaws of the Academic Assembly (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 1/23/2017 |
Design and the Arts | N/A | Policies and Procedures of the Academic Assembly (Docx) | N/A | Under review |
Design and the Arts | Art | Promotion Criteria for Fixed-term Faculty (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 12/3/2018 |
Design and the Arts | Art | Promotion Criteria | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 9/5/2024 |
Design and the Arts | Art | School of Art Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 6/17/2019 |
Design and the Arts | Arts, Media and Engineering | Promotion and Tenure Criteria (Docx) | Fixed-term and Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 3/6/2017 |
Design and the Arts | Design | Promotion Criteria for Fixed-term Faculty (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 5/19/2016 |
Design and the Arts | Design | Tenure and Promotion Guidelines | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Design and the Arts | Film | Promotion, Tenure, and Annual Evaluation Guidelines (Docx) | Tenure-track and clinical faculty; lecturers | Submitted 7/27/2022 |
Design and the Arts | Film, Dance and Theare | Promotion Criteria for Fixed-term Faculty (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 2/1/2018 |
Design and the Arts | Film, Dance and Theatre | Evaluation Plan for Faculty and Academic Professionals with Teaching Assignments | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Design and the Arts | Music | Bylaws of the School Assembly (Docx) | N/A | Under review |
Design and the Arts | Music | Policies and Procedures of the Faculty (Docx) | N/A | Under review |
Design and the Arts | Music, Dance and Theatre | Guidelines for Probation, Promotion, Tenure for Faculty at Different Ranks (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty; Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 12/14/2021 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Engineering | N/A | Lecturer Promotion Criteria (Docx) | Lecturers | Submitted 6/7/2019 |
Engineering | N/A | Teaching Professor Promotion Criteria (Docx) | Teaching Professors | Submitted 6/3/2024 |
Engineering | N/A | Criteria for Research Faculty (Docx) | Research Faculty | Submitted 6/7/2019 |
Engineering | N/A | Promotion, Tenure and Retention Criteria | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Engineering | N/A | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 12/8/2022 |
Engineering | N/A | Criteria for Fixed-term Academic Professionals (Docx) | Fixed-term APs | Submitted 1/8/2020 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Global Futures | N/A | Bylaws of the College of Global_Futures (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 2/21/2022 |
Global Futures | Biosocial Complexity Initiative | Criteria for Career-track Faculty (Docx) | Career-track Faculty | Submitted 10/13/2024 |
Global Futures | Complex Adaptive Systems | Criteria for Promotion of Academic Professionals | Fixed-term and Continuing-track APs | Submitted 9/9/2023 |
Global Futures | Future of Innovation in Society | Annual Review Policy (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 11/19/2019 |
Global Futures | Future of Innovation in Society | Guidelines for Faculty Tenure and Promotion (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 12/29/2021 |
Global Futures | Future of Innovation in Society | Policy for Faculty Promotion - Fixed-term Faculty (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 9/28/2020 |
Global Futures | Ocean Futures | Promotion and Tenure Criteria and Guidelines (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 5/21/2024 |
Global Futures | Sustainability | Bylaws (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty; Fixed-term Faculty; Academic Professionals | Submitted 4/18/2019 |
Global Launch | N/A | Criteria for Academic Professionals | Fixed-term Academic Professionals | Approved 2/18/2018 |
Global Management | N/A | Fixed-term Promotion Critera (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 4/27/2016 |
Global Management | N/A | Promotion and Tenure Criteria | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Health Solutions | N/A | Instructor Criteria | Instructors | Submitted 9/30/2024 |
Health Solutions | N/A | Promotion Criteria for Tenure Faculty (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 11/16/2023 |
Health Solutions | N/A | Promotion Criteria for Clinical Faculty (Docx) | Clinical Faculty | Submitted 11/13/2023 |
Health Solutions | N/A | Criteria for Appointment, Retention, and Promotion of Research Faculty (Docx) | Research Faculty | Submitted 9/27/2018 |
Health Solutions | N/A | Bylaws | N/A | Approved 11/1/2024 |
Health Solutions | N/A | Promotion Criteria for Teaching Professors (Docx) | Teaching Professors | Submitted 11/17/2023 |
Honors | N/A | Promotion Criteria (Docx) | Lecturers | Submitted 10/6/2015 |
Honors | N/A | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 1/10/2023 |
Honors | N/A | Promotion Policies (Docx) | N/A | Under review |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Integrative Sciences and Arts | N/A | Academic Affairs Policies and Procedures Manual (Docx) | Fixed-term faculty and Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 5/24/2021 |
Integrative Sciences and Arts | Applied Sciences and Arts | Career-track Criteria and Process | Career-track Faculty | Submitted 10/11/2024 |
Integrative Sciences and Arts | Applied Sciences and Arts | Tenured and Tenure-track Criteria and Process Document | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 10/11/2024 |
Integrative Sciences and Arts | Applied Sciences and Arts | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 10/11/2024 |
Integrative Sciences and Arts | Counseling and Counseling Psychology | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 10/21/2024 |
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | N/A | Bylaws (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty and Fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 3/4/2024 |
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies | Bylaws | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | Mathematical and Natural Sciences | BY-LAWS (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 11/30/2023 |
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | Social and Behavioral Sciences | BY-LAWS | N/A | Approved 6/3/2024 |
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 5/21/2024 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Journalism and Mass Communication | N/A | Bylaws | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Journalism and Mass Communication | N/A | Promotion Criteria for Lecturers (Docx) | Lecturers | Submitted 10/1/2020 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Knowledge Enterprise Development | N/A | Promotion Evaluation Considerations and Criteria - Academic Professionals (Docx) | Fixed-term Academic Professionals | Submitted 9/7/2018 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Lake Havasu | N/A | Guidelines for Promotion of Fixed-term Instructional Faculty (PDF) | Fixed-term Instructional Faculty | Approved 6/15/2018 |
Law | N/A | Tenure, Continuing Status and Promotion (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty and Continuing-status APs | Under review |
Law | N/A | Promotion and Tenure Standards for Tenure Track, Non-librarian Continuing-status Track, and Lecturer Track | Tenure-track Faculty, Continuing Status Non-Librarian APs, and Lecturers |
Approved 10/24/2019 |
Law | Law Library | Personnel Actions for Law Librarians | Librarians | Approved 1/28/2019 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | N/A | Constitution of the College Assembly and the Senate (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty; Tenure-track Faculty; Academic Professionals | Submitted 11/30/2021 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | N/A | Bylaws (Docx) | Career-track and tenure-track faculty; Academic Professionals | Submitted 7/30/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | American Indian Studies | Bylaws (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Under review |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership | Bylaws (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty; Career-track faculty | Submitted 6/23/2023 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Earth and Space Exploration | Critera for Promotion of Research Professors (Docx) | Research Faculty | Submitted 12/1/2016 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Earth and Space Exploration | Bylaws (Docx) | Tenure-track and fixed-term Faculty | Submitted 4/29/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Earth and Space Exploration | Criteria for Promotion of Academic Professionals (Docx) | Fixed-term and Continuing-track Academic Professionals | Submitted 11/3/2021 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | English | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 8/13/2020 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | English | Guidelines and Criteria for Tenure and Promotion (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 1/13/2019 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | English | Guidelines for Promotion of Career Faculty (Docx) | Teaching and Clinical Professors; Instructors (all ranks) |
Approved 1/15/2025 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 02/01/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning | Policies and Procedures (Career Track Section) (Docx) | Research/Teaching Professors; all Academic Professionals | Submitted 2/1/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning | Policies and Procedures (Tenure Track Section) (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 2/1/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies | Criteria for Instructors | Instructors | Approved 3/20/2025 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies | Criteria for Fixed-term Promotion | Fixed-term Faculty | Approved 11/2/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies | History Criteria | Tenure-track Faculty |
Approved 3/20/2025 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies | Philosophy Criteria (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 5/14/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies | Religious Studies Criteria | Tenure-track Faculty |
Approved 1/15/2025 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies | Bylaws | N/A |
Under Review |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Human Communication | Criteria for Promotion of Academic Professionals | Academic Professionals | Approved 11/10/2015 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Human Communication | Criteria for Promotion of Lecturers | Lecturers | Approved 7/10/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Human Communication | Criteria for Promotion of Research Professors | Research Faculty | Approved 7/10/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Human Communication | Evaluative Criteria for Tenure and/or Promotion | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in Use |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Human Evolution and Social Change | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 2/29/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Human Evolution and Social Change | Promotion Guidelines (Docx) | Career-track Faculty/Fixed-term APs | Submitted 3/14/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Human Evolution and Social Change | Promotion and Tenure Guidelines | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 2/5/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | International Letters and Cultures | Guidelines for Promotion of Clinical Professors (Docx) | Clinical faculty | Submitted 4/6/2021 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | International Letters and Cultures | Criteria for Promotion of Lecturers | Lecturers | Approved 10/24/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | International Letters and Cultures | Evaluation of Candidates for Promotion and Tenure (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 4/6/2021 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | International Letters and Cultures | School Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 4/6/2021 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Life Sciences | Criteria for Promotion of Assistant and Associate Academic Professionals (Docx) | Fixed-term Academic Professionals | Submitted 12/14/2017 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Life Sciences | Criteria for Promotion of Research Professors (Docx) | Research Faculty | Submitted 12/6/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Life Sciences | Lecturers (Docx) | Lecturers | Submitted 12/14/2017 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Life Sciences | Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (Docx) | Tenured and Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 2/16/2022 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Life Sciences | Bylaws | N/A |
Approved 12/17/2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Mathematical and Statistical Sciences | Promotion and Tenure Policies for Track Faculty (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 8/8/2023 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Mathematical and Statistical Sciences | Promotion Policies for Career Faculty (Docx) | Teaching and Clinical Professors; Professors of Practice | Submitted 8/8/2023 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Mathematical and Statistical Sciences | Bylaws (PDF) | N/A | Submitted 6/29/2023 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Molecular Sciences | Procedures and Policies (including promotion criteria) | Fixed-term Faculty; Tenure-track Faculty; Academic Professionals | Approved 10/13/2015 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Molecular Sciences | Organization and Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Under review |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Physics | Policies and Procedures for Fixed-term Faculty and Academic Professionals (Docx) | Fixed-term Faculty and APs (except Teaching Professors) | Submitted 3/28/2019 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Physics | Criteria for Teaching Professors | Teaching Professors | Submitted 10-24-2024 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Physics | Criteria for Promotion and Continuing Status (Docx) | Academic Professionals | Submitted 1/17/2019 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Physics | Profiles for Promotion and Tenure of Faculty Members: Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor | Tenure-track promotion to Associate Professor | Currently in use |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Politics and Global Studies | Bylaws (PDF) | Tenure-track Faculty and Lecturers | Approved 7/10/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Politics and Global Studies | Bylaws of the School of Politics and Global Studies (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty including promotion to Full | Submitted 10/6/2021 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Psychology | Criteria for Promotion of Assistant and Associate Clinical Professors (Docx) | Clinical Faculty | Submitted 1/5/2016 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Psychology | Criteria for Promotion of Assistant and Associate Academic Professionals (Docx) | Fixed-term Academic Professionals | Submitted 12/6/2017 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Psychology | Promotional Evaluation Considerations and Criteria - Fixed-term Research Professors | Research Faculty | Approved 6/25/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Psychology | Expectations and Criteria for Promotion of Lecturers | Lecturers | Approved 11/28/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Psychology | Promotional Evaluation Considerations and Criteria | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Religious Studies | Bylaws and Procedures | Tenure-track Faculty | Currently in use |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Social and Family Dynamics | Criteria for Promotion of Research Professors (Docx) | Research Professors | Submitted 10/22/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Social and Family Dynamics | Criteria for Promotion of Clinical Professors (Docx) | Clinical Faculty | Submitted 10/26/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Social and Family Dynamics | Criteria for Promotion of Lecturers (Docx) | Lecturers | Submitted 9/10/2018 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Social and Family Dynamics | Sanford School Bylaws (PDF) | Tenure-track Faculty including Promotion to Full | Submitted 10/6/2021 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Social Transformation | Bylaws (Docx) | All ranks | Submitted 11/08/2021 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | Transborder Studies | Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 9/26/2023 |
Library | N/A | Fixed-term Promotion Criteria - Academic Professionals (Docx) | Fixed-term Academic Professionals | Submitted 6/22/2017 |
Library | N/A | Fixed-term Promotion Criteria - Research Professor (Docx) | Fixed-term Research Faculty | Submitted 6/22/2017 |
Library | N/A | Librarians Assembly - Criteria | Continuing-track APs | Currently in Use |
Library | N/A | Bylaws | N/A | Submitted 11/21/2024 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Nursing and Health Innovation | N/A | Clinical Track Faculty Critera (Docx) | Clinical Faculty | Submitted 10/8/2020 |
Nursing and Health Innovation | N/A | Criteria for Research-track Faculty (Docx) | Fixed-term Research Faculty | Submitted 11/3/2016 |
Nursing and Health Innovation | N/A | Criteria for Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty (Docx) | Tenure-track Faculty | Under Review |
Nursing and Health Innovation | N/A | Bylaws of the Academic Assembly (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 10/21/2022 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Public Service and Community Solutions | N/A | College Professor Tenure and Promotion Procedures and Guideline (Docx) | Faculty with Academic Homes at the College Level | Submitted 6/6/2016 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | N/A | Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 9/12/2019 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Community Resources and Development | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 10/3/2022 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Community Resources and Development | Personnel Policies and Procedures (Docx) | Lecturers, Tenure-track and Clinical Faculty | Submitted 10/3/2022 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Community Resources and Development | Personnel Policies for Career-track Faculty (Docx) | Career-track Faculty | Submitted 5/10/2023 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty Annual Performance Review Policy (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 8/9/2021 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Bylaws (Docx) | Fixed-term and Tenure-track Faculty | Submitted 4/18/2022 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Fixed-term Annual Performance Review Policy (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 10/15/2021 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Public Affairs | Annual Performance Rubric for Fixed-term Faculty (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 12/14/2020 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Public Affairs | Promotion Criteria for Fixed-term Faculty (Docx) | Career-track Faculty | Submitted 5/11/2023 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Public Affairs | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 8/19/2020 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Public Affairs | Faculty Annual Review/Rubric for Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 12/8/2021 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Public Affairs | Promotion and Tenure Guidelines | Tenure-track Assistant Professors | Submitted 10/24/2023 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Public Affairs | Promotion to Full Guidelines | Tenure-track faculty | Submitted 10/24/2023 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Social Work | Bylaws | N/A | Submitted 10/24/2023 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Social Work | Policy Manual (Docx) | Tenure-track faculty; academic professionals; clinical, teaching, and research faculty. | Submitted 10/24/2023 |
Public Service and Community Solutions | Social Work | Promotion Criteria | Instructors |
Approved 3/20/2025 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
Teachers College | N/A | Bylaws (Docx) | N/A | Submitted 8/14/2024 |
Teachers College | N/A | Criteria for Promotion (PDF) | Career-track Faculty; Fixed-term faculty and APs | Submitted 8/14/2024 |
College | Unit | Document Name | P&T Criteria Content | Status |
University College | N/A | Bylaws (Docx) | Career-track Faculty | Submitted 11/08/2024 |