personnel processes

Submission Guidelines for Bylaws and Criteria Documents

Submission Guidelines

To submit policy documents for approval to the provost’s office, the appropriate college contact in the dean's office should complete the Bylaws and Criteria Submission Request and attach your Bylaws and/or Criteria as a Word Doc. Documents may include bylaws and/or promotion criteria.

Per ACD 111-02, please use the cover sheet template to document approval by the faculty and review by the dean. Please do not use acronyms for the name of the college or the unit.

The bylaws and criteria submission process is managed through the university’s electronic system PowerDMS. The PowerDMS - Bylaws and Criteria Guide walks you through the steps for submitting bylaws and/or criteria. Use the Quick Start Guide for swift instruction for those that are comfortable with the technology. 

Accessing PowerDMS:


Site Key: ASU


  • It’s best to submit promotion criteria as a separate document, rather than as part of a larger bylaws document.
  • Please upload your bylaws and/or criteria as a Word doc using the following naming convention and formatting.
    • Document title: college_unit_document type_impacted faculty (include impacted faculty for criteria only). For example: liberalartsandsciences_english_criteria_teaching faculty or liberalartsandsciences  _english_bylaws
  • Please send only one document per submission
  • Ensure the document has been reviewed and approved at the appropriate levels, with the approval dates included, before submitting it to the Provost’s Office.
  • Documents that have provost approval are posted on the Academic Personnel website as "approved".

Assistance with bylaws/criteria or PowerDMS:  or Slack Channel #powerdms - bylaws