- Hold all meetings and conversations in strict confidence.
- Keep regular and frequent contacts with the mentee (i.e. a minimum of three contacts per semester).
- Provide supportive guidance and constructive feedback that gives clear messages, offers encouragement, compliments achievements and motivates behavior change.
- Refrain from evaluation or assessment.
- Mentoring topics:
- Culture of the faculty, department, school, college and university life.
- University resources to advance the professional development.
- Decision-making skills related to career management and advancement.
- Teaching and scholarship challenges.
- How to establish a professional network.
- Setting priorities—budgeting time, time management and balancing research, teaching and service.
- Networking—introduce to colleagues, identify other possible mentors.
- Policies and procedures that are relevant to the faculty member’s work.
- ASU system of shared governance.
- Collaboratively decide on the focus of mentoring activities.
- Allow either party to end the relationship at anytime without prejudice.
- Faculty member and mentor develop a two-year plan for meeting promotion and tenure expectations.
- Provide critical readings of manuscripts, grant proposals and other faculty projects.
- Assist mentees to:
- Select appropriate journals.
- Improve the quality of manuscripts
- Increase their probability of publication in a peer-reviewed, high impact journal.
- Increase the likelihood of publishing a book length manuscript in a high quality press.
- Increase the chances for the mentee to secure external funding for his/her research.
- Arrange for junior faculty to meet with outside seminar speakers for career development advice.
- Recommend names of other faculty to discuss specific topics: writing, research methods, etc.
- Help establish connections between a faculty member and peers and leaders in his/her field.
- Introduce faculty member to peers at conferences.
- Coach on how to build networks within her/his field.
- Coach on how to identify key potential reviewers of her/his work for tenure review and/or promotion review.
How to develop lectures, construct syllabi, develop tests and writing assignments for a class, stimulate student involvement in the class, grade written assignments and mentor students etc.
- Visit each other’s classes and discuss your observations.
- Attend two classes taught by the mentee, discuss how the class went from both parties’ perspectives and provide the mentee with an assessment of strengths, weaknesses and/or suggestions. (These assessments will not be included in the annual review.)
- Review the course syllabi.
- Work with the mentee to take on service roles appropriate to his/her time in rank, making sure that the mentee does not de-emphasize teaching and research in the process and take on too many service roles.